A Thursday Tip

Hey, y'all! Happy Thursday! It's y'boy, Pharoah, with a Thursday tip for the people of pallor who follow me on this platform.

When y'all ask Black and Brown folx, Indigenous folx, and people of color in general if something you said or did is racist?


The answer is always yes.

You don't even have to ask the question. Why?

Because if you're honest with yourself, you already know the answer is yes.

If you have to ask yourself that question, then take the question on the road to get a second opinion from a melanated person you know; the answer is an emphatic yes.

Heck, it's in many respects a racist act even to ask a person of color if you've done or said something racist and expect them to absolve you of your guilt or provide emotional labor for you as you grapple with your perpetuation of white supremacist ideologies.

You're not as naive as you think you are about this.

You know.

This Week's Opening Thought: September 24, 2024

This week's opening thought: Here's your reminder to maintain your peace by maintaining your boundaries. Boundaries are healthy.

The folx who always have something to say about you having boundaries are not.

A case in point is Shark Tank investor and long-time unhealthy person of pallor Kevin O'Leary, who has too much money on his hands made off the backs of others and too many "opinions" about respecting people's peace and boundaries.

Australia recently joined the ranks of countries like France, Spain, and Belgium by passing a “right to disconnect” law enacted on August 26. This legislation allows employees to step away from work-related communications outside their official working hours, ensuring that personal time remains personal. O'Leary's take on this? Quote:

"This kind of stuff just makes me crazy. It’s so dumb. Who dreams this crap up is my question. And why would anybody propose such a stupid idea? What happens if you have an event in the office and it’s closed? Or you have an emergency somewhere, and you have to get a hold of them at two in the morning because it affects the job they’re working on?”

He then said that he doesn't hesitate to fire people if he can't reach them at any time of day.

Not answering your phone at some random time of day or night when you're not scheduled to work is a healthy boundary.

Calling people with "urgent" matters at random times of the night because you're up, so everybody should be up and working, and if they're not, they are somehow "less than"? That is an indicator of an unhealthy person.

Do you think Kevin is a healthy person?

Just sayin'.

Gon' 'head and cut that phone off when your shift is over.

Be healthy.

On Cats, Dogs, Lies, and Hate

I watched a man who believes he should be President again, and who should've never been President in the first place, angrily shout that Haitian immigrants are eating people's pets in Ohio and that a town in Colorado is overrun and controlled by "terrorist gangs" during a presidential debate last night.

These are, of course, xenophobic and racist dog whistles steeped in fear-mongering and stereotypes, but the danger these kinds of comments pose to Black and Brown folx, to immigrants, cannot be stressed enough.

What that caricature of a man did last night is a white supremacist control tactic as old as time that has harmed generations of melanated folx and immigrants in Western society. The problem is that here we are, in the year of someone's lord, 2024, watching a nationally televised event that received international coverage with a man of pallor whose only skill in life is generating fear to gain power and who has millions of followers ready to eat it up like it's the gospel who truly believe immigrants and melanated folx are a clear and present danger to their families, communities, and evidently, pets when they are the least likely sections of the citizenry to commit crimes and less likely to commit violent crimes.

But who needs facts when you can vilify melanated folx? Your grandpappy did it, and your pappy did it, so why not you too?

These hateful "fables" don't pass the sniff test.

But nothing has to pass the sniff test when your race has been collectively raised and bred for generations to believe that anyone who has melanin in their skin is a threat to "white democracy."

On Having Concepts of A Plan

Only a privileged man of pallor can say, "I have concepts of a plan" around a hot-button issue that impacts millions of people while interviewing for the most challenging job in the country that he's already proven to be ineffective in and still have millions of followers who bow to him like he's the next coming.

Do you think I can I go to work tomorrow and tell my leaders that I have the concept of a plan when they ask me about my work progress on a project they've been waiting on for weeks, and they will accept that as a feasible answer?

Do you think I can answer a question at a job interview with "I have the concepts of a plan" and be seen as a serious and competent candidate?


The bar is so low for people of pallor in Western culture. Especially men of pallor.

These are y'all's kings?

It would be funny if it wasn't at the heart of a centuries-long threat to democracy and the ongoing health and safety of melanated communities.

This Week's Opening Thought: September 9, 2024

This week's opening thought: Being Black in the United States is grieving the unnecessary murder of your son at the hands of a violent young man of pallor who regularly made terroristic threats to the point that the FBI investigated his online behavior.

Being Black in the United States is learning that the violent young man of pallor who murdered your child was "rewarded" by his parents for being investigated by the FBI with an assault rifle, the same weapon he used to unleash a mass school shooter incident that took the life of your child and three other people.

Being Black in the United States is watching as your local news affiliate makes a social media post that makes it appear that your now-deceased son was the active shooter in the event that ultimately took him from you.

Being Black in the United States is watching that news affiliate offer an "Oops, our bad" public "apology," showing how little they care that your now-deceased son was visually slandered across social media for millions to witness.

Being Black in the United States is witnessing this public "apology" and watching as they don't even bother to mention your now-deceased son's name in their "apology" that they made sure to post online and not verbally apologize in front of the entire world and atone for their harm on their local televised newscast.

Being Black in the United States is a journey of trauma, grief, and finding hope and joy in a world that prefers you be the villain, so it never has to acknowledge how often you and your people have been victimized.

[Image descriptions: Image 1 - A tweet from news affiliate WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. The tweet shows a picture of one of the victims of the Apalachee High School mass shooting, a young Black boy named Mason Schermerhorn, being depicted as the mass shooter and not one of the victims.

Image 2 - A screenshot of a "public apology" from WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. The "apology" says, "In a tweet about the Apalachee H.S. shooting posted by WSB-TV, the content and photo of one of the victims was unintentionally presented on X in a way that made it appear as if the victim was the shooter. The post was removed shortly after it went live and immediately after we were alerted to the situation. We deeply regret this error and sincerely apologize to the victim's family and loved ones."]

Image description: A tweet from news affiliate WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. The tweet shows a picture of one of the victims of the Apalachee High School mass shooting, a young Black boy named Mason Schermerhorn, being depicted as the mass shooter and not one of the victims.

Image description: A screenshot of a "public apology" from WSB-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. The "apology" says, "In a tweet about the Apalachee H.S. shooting posted by WSB-TV, the content and photo of one of the victims was unintentionally presented on X in a way that made it appear as if the victim was the shooter. The post was removed shortly after it went live and immediately after we were alerted to the situation. We deeply regret this error and sincerely apologize to the victim's family and loved ones."