On Having Concepts of A Plan

Only a privileged man of pallor can say, "I have concepts of a plan" around a hot-button issue that impacts millions of people while interviewing for the most challenging job in the country that he's already proven to be ineffective in and still have millions of followers who bow to him like he's the next coming.

Do you think I can I go to work tomorrow and tell my leaders that I have the concept of a plan when they ask me about my work progress on a project they've been waiting on for weeks, and they will accept that as a feasible answer?

Do you think I can answer a question at a job interview with "I have the concepts of a plan" and be seen as a serious and competent candidate?


The bar is so low for people of pallor in Western culture. Especially men of pallor.

These are y'all's kings?

It would be funny if it wasn't at the heart of a centuries-long threat to democracy and the ongoing health and safety of melanated communities.