On Painful Anniversaries, Anti-Asian Hate, and Solidarity in the Face of Hate

TW: Anti-Asian hate, violence, murder, fetishization.

Today marks the one-year anniversary of 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long murdering eight people in a mass shooting spree at three Atlanta, Georgia, area spas, which Long claims happened due to his "sex addiction." Long's actions led to the senseless murders of Xiaojie "Emily" Tan, 49; Daoyou Feng, 44; Delaina Yaun, 33; Paul Michels, 54; Suncha Kim, 69; Soon Chung Park, 74; Hyun Jung Grant, 51; and Yong Ae Yue, 63.

The murders of these eight people, living their lives and trying to make a living, were not isolated incidents.

Attacks against Asian Americans have been on the rise since the start of the pandemic. The FBI reported an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes since 2019. The group Stop AAPI Hate has tracked nearly 11,000 hate incidents against Asian Americans from March 2020 to December 2021, with more occurring in 2021 than 2020. Most of those incidents targeted women from AAPI communities.

With racial attacks on the rise, AAPI communities are increasingly fearing for their safety with very little accountability for the actions of those initiating hate crimes. A recent survey published this month from the National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) found that 74% of Asian American and Pacific Islander women reported experiencing racism and/or discrimination over the last year. 53% said the perpetrator was a stranger or someone they didn't know. For East Asian respondents, in particular, 51% of women said they feel less safe today than at the start of the pandemic.

As we look at the anniversary of a violent and hateful act, I feel so much pain for my AAPI friends, family, and colleagues. As a person of color, a Black person, I feel this pain deeply because I know how terrifying it is to believe you might not make it home today. I know how horrifying it is to think that your loved ones might not make it to the dinner table tonight. But what I really feel, deep inside my soul, is exhaustion.

I'm tired. I've been tired. One thing I'm so tired of is watching as communities of color have to acknowledge painful and traumatizing anniversaries while asking for justice and safety that never come. Many of my AAPI friends, family, and colleagues are also tired. I know many of you are hurting, scared, still trying to reconcile why this has to be your reality and why there is so much hate in this world. I don't have answers. But you do have me – my support, care, and solidarity.

I stand with my AAPI friends, family, and colleagues on this painful anniversary and every other day of the year too. I stand with AAPI women and femmes on this painful anniversary and every other day of the year too. I will always stand with you and fight for your right to live, to exist, to thrive, not to be objectified and fetishized by white supremacy and hate. And we'll keep fighting together to make it so that the only anniversaries we're observing are celebrations, not trauma.

On Soapboxing, Milk Crating, Racism, and Ukraine

The fact that there are droves of white people up in arms over Black people sending their support to the citizens of Ukraine while calling out the European-flavored racism and white supremacy that is blatantly on display as Black folx are trying to flee an under siege Ukraine clearly says four things about white U.S. Americans.

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On Anti-Asian Sentiments, Ingrained Anti-Blackness, Michelle, and Sandra

We can't talk about the horrific murders of Michelle Allysa Go and Sandra Shells without examining the ugliness at the intersections of the patriarchal white supremacist national sentiments around homelessness and housing insecurity. We also can't talk about what happened to Michelle and Sandra without examining mental health advocacy and the perceived and perpetuated value of Black and Asian women in the United States. And we definitely shouldn't be having conversations about Michelle and Sandra's murders without incorporating an ever-evolving understanding of the deeply ingrained passive acceptance of anti-Blackness and anti-Asian hate that has permeated this country's mindset for hundreds of years.

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On Rosa Parks, Blackface, Vaccinations, and Using Hate to Act Like You're Bein' Hated On

So let's take a minute and circle back around to Newberg, Oregon.

For those who haven't been following, I posted something about the Newberg School District deciding to ban Black Lives Matter and Pride flags and posters from school grounds a few weeks ago. This banning, of course, led to a backlash from the community, a backlash that the Newberg School Board could give two craps about as they have recently doubled down on their stance. Oh, this is also paired with racist sentiments that have permeated Newberg for years because it's in Oregon - a state founded as a white utopia - so of course, it's a racist city. Recent developments in Newberg include a student being caught participating in a "slave trade" Snapchat group where white kids "buy and sell" their Black classmates and a county commissioner saying that vaccine mandates were akin to Jim Crow (yes, you read that right).

Fun times.

Well, this past Friday, a Newberg elementary school employee showed up in Blackface, saying they were Rosa Parks and taking a stand against vaccine mandates. Yes, again, you read that right. Blackface. Rosa Parks.

Every now and then some white person comes up with a new one that I haven't heard before. Using Blackface and claiming to be Rosa Parks? That's new. Shout out to Newberg, Oregon, for getting this week's Eternal Side-Eye award! It's only Monday but y'all nailed it!

Courtesy of the Newberg Graphic:

"A staff member at Mabel Rush Elementary School in Newberg showed up to work in Blackface on Friday, calling herself Rosa Parks and doing so in protest of a vaccine mandate for all school district staff.

A fellow staff member at the school who provided initial information on the incident said Lauren Pefferle “a special education assistant who the school district said it would not name due to it being a personnel matter“ darkened her face with iodine.

The concerned staff member, who requested anonymity for this story, said Pefferle explained her reasoning: that she intended to look like Rosa Parks and have her actions serve as a protest of a vaccine mandate. Pefferle was soon removed from school grounds and placed on administrative leave, according to a district statement."

You can read more about this hot mess here.

Make Your Juneteenth A Real Hootenanny a.k.a. The Commercialization, Commodification, and White-ification of Black Freedom for White Audiences

When droves of white people "discovered" that Juneteenth existed last year I immediately found myself thinking of commercialization and homogenization. Why? You know that old saying, “This is why we can’t have nice things?” Yeah, that’s how I feel about Juneteenth garnering the national attention it’s receiving. And I feel this way because white people are gonna mess Juneteenth up for Black people like white people and white society does for everything non-white.

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