On Soapboxing, Milk Crating, Racism, and Ukraine
Image description: a picture of a man laying on a pile of scattered milk crates. A stack of milk crates is falling on top of the man. The expression on the man’s face is agony.
The fact that there are droves of white people up in arms over Black people sending their support to the citizens of Ukraine while calling out the European-flavored racism and white supremacy that is blatantly on display as Black folx are trying to flee an under siege Ukraine clearly says four things about white U.S. Americans:
1. Some of y’all don’t care about the plights of immigrants, refugees, or people being oppressed or harmed if they aren’t people of pallor.
2. Too many of y’all are way more comfortable with overt racism than y’all think y’all are, to the point where you have no problem with attacking Black folx (especially Black women) for calling out the harm being done to Black folx trying to leave Ukraine.
3. White supremacy is such a casual part of war that some of y’all don’t seem to catch it in action. It makes sense, seeing how if you live in the United States, you should understand that you live in a country waging a legislative war against teaching history and its foundations: racism, classism, and colonialism, which are all byproducts of white supremacy.
4. Some of y’all are so stuck in the good/bad binary that you can’t imagine that a human being can be empathetic toward the plight of others while calling out harm being done to Black bodies taking place during those trials and tribulations. There is a gray area. There is always a gray area. Nothing is black or white, good or bad, especially when oppression and hate are involved.
Y’all don’t realize how dangerous, frustrating, and comical y’all are, white U.S. Americans. I wish some of y’all would get off your “good person” soapbox and go do the milk crate challenge instead while you spew that homogenized hate so many of y’all spew.