This Week's Opening Thought: July 22, 2024

This week’s opening thought: If you weren’t willing to defend, stand with, and support Black and Brown women before now or were waiting on the “right opportunity to be an ally” to Black and Brown women in the United States, guess what?

The f—-g time is now.

I mean, I don’t know what the hell was wrong with you before now (what were you waiting on, a formal invitation?). Still, if these unprecedented times (side note: I am SO TIRED of “unprecedented times.”) we’re likely about to enter into during this presidential election don’t have you ready to step up and chin check every raggedy, racist, sexist, anti-Black person in your workplace, family, and neighborhood that tries to drag the Vice President, Black women, and Brown women through the mud with unfounded accusations and discredited stereotypes built on racism and white supremacy that have nothing to do with their skills, intelligence, and insights then you should keep your “thoughts” to yourself and own that you never intended to get off the bench and get in the game.

Sh--’s about to get more real and dangerous for many communities than you could ever imagine.

Yo’ ass should've been in the game, but you're still milking that “ankle injury” from practice to cover up your affinity for bench warming and participation trophies.

P.S.: This is not a conversation about the veep’s record and past. We’ve had that conversation ad naseum and we’re not going to rehash that in this space. We’ll revisit that conversation at some point. This particular conversation is about standing with and supporting Black and Brown women in real-time as the threat to their overall safety inches into dangerous territory. This includes offering your support to Kamala Harris. Yeah, I said it. I asked for it. Some of y'all are gonna want to drag me for it, but I will always stand with and support Black women, period, especially in the face of people who would prefer to go back to chattel slavery, Jim Crow, and no rights for anyone but wealthy people of pallor.

Monday's Opening Thought: July 19, 2021

This week’s opening thought: The United States is still separating families at its borders.

There are still brown babies, brown children, in cages.

Judges are still looking for ways to harm DACA program participants.

The current President and his administration have pretty much stated that Cubans don’t deserve support or assistance, a stance that the U.S. has held for countless decades.

The current Vice President recently let it be known how she as a Black woman in a position of power and privilege is more than willing to use prejudicial laws to bar Brown families from seeking asylum. Her stance and views on this matter aren’t all that shocking if you’re familiar with her time as a D.A. and Attorney General.

I know that some of y’all want to avoid talking or thinking about this, or want to act like Biden and Harris are the “big change this country needed,” so I wanted to make sure you don’t forget that the United States doesn’t care about Brown lives the way many of y’all think it does. And real talk? You probably don’t either.

But I’m sure you want to avoid talking or thinking about that too.