Monday's Opening Thought: July 19, 2021

This week’s opening thought: The United States is still separating families at its borders.

There are still brown babies, brown children, in cages.

Judges are still looking for ways to harm DACA program participants.

The current President and his administration have pretty much stated that Cubans don’t deserve support or assistance, a stance that the U.S. has held for countless decades.

The current Vice President recently let it be known how she as a Black woman in a position of power and privilege is more than willing to use prejudicial laws to bar Brown families from seeking asylum. Her stance and views on this matter aren’t all that shocking if you’re familiar with her time as a D.A. and Attorney General.

I know that some of y’all want to avoid talking or thinking about this, or want to act like Biden and Harris are the “big change this country needed,” so I wanted to make sure you don’t forget that the United States doesn’t care about Brown lives the way many of y’all think it does. And real talk? You probably don’t either.

But I’m sure you want to avoid talking or thinking about that too.