Monday's Opening Thought: December 28, 2020

An opening thought as we wind down 2020: Are you ending 2020 still trying to have rational conversations with hateful people spewing easily-debunked rhetoric or paper-thin justifications for why they are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, and/or ableist? Still trying to get Trump supporters to see things differently? Are you hoping they’ll hear your words and you’ll break through and appeal to their humanity? If your answers to any of those questions is “yes” then answer this question for me:

Why in the Hell are you still having these conversations?!

I mean c’mon, y’all. You’re wasting your time and energy. This year has been draining enough. Why would you want to end your year with this sh—? They’re not gonna hear you, y’know. They haven’t heard you all year. They believe they are right and just in their views and beliefs and that you are the one who’s wrong and misguided. If you walk away from 2020 with three lessons you’ve learned let one of those three be that going forward you should only engage with those who are actually open to discourse, open to changing and evolving. Anyone else ain’t worth it. Leave them behind and move yo’ ass down that yellow brick road toward your own self care.

If these people are family and friends? Well, sounds like you’re long overdue for some new chosen family members and some new friends.

And if these people are co-workers, high-ranking executives in your workplace, or even your boss? And your human resources department and other leaders in your organization refuse to address the issues? Send me your resume and we’ll work together to try and find you another job.

Leave these toxic conversations and toxic people in the toxic year that was 2020.

Happy New Years.
