This Week's Opening Thought: August 19, 2024

This week's opening thought: If it's not a work-related function, event, conference, or speaking event that involves you being compensated in some fashion, you are not a representative of your organization.

Organizations love running with this idea that as long as you work for them, you represent the organization in all spaces. I cannot stress enough how big of a load of cow dung that is. That nonsense is the organization you work for overstepping the boundaries of the work agreement. That's the thin line between an employment relationship and an organization believing that they pay you so they own your time and energy.

When I'm at work? I represent the organization. When I'm at a work-related event? I represent the organization. In those moments, I am being paid to represent the organization in some way, shape, or form. But when I'm at an after-work networking event?

I'm representing me. I'm there for me.

When I'm attending a conference that the company wouldn't pay for, that will help me enhance my skill set and grow as a person?

I'm representing me. I'm there for me.

When I'm out in the community, living my life and minding my business?

I'm representing me.

You only owe a workplace 40 hours per week. That's it. That's what they pay you for. Anything outside of actual, legitimate work-related functions is free publicity and labor that most organizations do not deserve.

You are not a 24/7/365 billboard for the place you work.

They better go buy some ad space.