Monday's Opening Thought: March 8, 2021

This week’s opening thought:

Listen to all Black women.

Believe all Black women.

Validate all Black women.

Support all Black women.

Advocate for the mental, physical, and emotional well-being of all Black women.

Protect all Black women.

Real talk? Oprah shouldn’t have had to interview a Black woman who married someone she loved - someone who just so happened to be a part of a colonialist, racist, inbred patriarchy that obviously did not want “her kind” in their family - for you to care or consider all of the aforementioned. Her pain and trauma shouldn’t have had to be on display for you to be like, “Maybe she’s telling the truth.” Why do I feel this way?

Because you’ve heard these stories before. You just weren’t actively listening.

Black women have been sharing stories and harrowing ordeals akin to what Meghan Markle shared with the world last night with the world for centuries. In the workplace. In the communities they live in. Even marrying into non-Black families or having intimate relationships and friendships with white people. Meghan’s experience is not unique.

And that is the problem.

Western culture has normalized harming Black women to the point where most people - some Black folx included - don’t even bat an eye when faced with the prospect of this generational hatred or even their part in it. If you saw the interview and you feel for Meghan, which you should, ask yourself how often you’ve felt this way when you’ve heard these stories from Black women who aren’t Meghan. Then ask yourself why you weren’t compelled enough to care about Black women enough in those moments to be an ally or accomplice. It shouldn’t have to be on TV as a prime time special for you to care. And you know what?

These stories were already on your damn TV anyway.

It’s on the local and national news, buried behind a story about a squirrel that rides a jet ski and other puff pieces. It’s Breonna and Sandra and Muhlaysia and countless other Black women gone too soon and forgotten with no justice, names you’ve heard in passing that made you sad for 15 minutes.

You’ve heard these stories before. You just weren’t actively listening.

You might need to put on your listening ears for once and wire them up to your belief that you’re an ally or accomplice.

All Black Women Matter.
