On "Quiet Quitting"

"Quiet quitting."




That's just having boundaries, clocking in and out on time, and not answering emails and phone calls after you clock out. I do that every day.

That's what you should be doing. That's what we all should've been doing for decades.

They're saying that "quiet quitting" is doing the bare minimum by clocking out on time and not answering emails and calls after your working hours are done. Um, what? That isn't doing the bare minimum. That's called doing your job. That's always been technically called doing your job.

Do you mean to tell me y'all created jargon for doing your job, going home when it's time to call it a day, and not answering random emails and texts at 11:33p on a Saturday night? Did y'all legitimately go out of your way to create buzzwords for not overworking and being on 24/7? Are we really at a point in our collective existence where doing your job and clocking out on time is seen as rebellious?

What an abusive relationship we've inherited from those generations before us. What a toxic relationship we've cultivated with the concept of work. Oy vey.