On Kyle, Crocodile Tears, and White Lives Losing Value When Defending Black Lives

Prepare yourself for Kyle Rittenhouse either getting off clean as a whistle or getting the most minimal time possible for murdering two WHITE people at a BLM protest that his mom dropped him off at in a state he didn’t even live in. It’s the American way, y’know.

See, if Kyle killed two white people “just ‘cause” he’d be deemed a monster, unstable. But he killed two white people trying to support BLACK people. And in the United States? White people like Kyle don’t do time for that. Once he turned on the crocodile tears it was a wrap.

White systems/institutions like the U.S. legal system will always protect white man-children like Kyle, especially when they kill people connected to Black bodies in any way. At that moment, the white men Kyle killed “forfeited their lives” as soon as they cared about Black folx.

Kyle wasn’t “in danger” that night. He went to that protest looking to harm someone. He just didn’t think he’d have to pay for it if he did.

And he likely won’t.

Truth be told, if he’d killed two Black men this case would’ve wrapped days ago.