This Week's Opening Thought: October 2, 2023

This week's opening thought: I went to use the restroom while waiting for my flight out of Chicago and back to Portland (my wife and I took a much-needed long weekend trip) and encountered a gentleman in the middle of a phone call. He was standing at a urinal, Bluetooth in his ear, deeply involved in a work-related conversation while, I assume, trying to take a standing piss.

While catching this spectacle, the only thing that came to mind was there was something in this person’s work history that made him think he was not allowed the option or opportunity to take a bathroom break. Seeing that he was a person of culture, I can't imagine the experiences that led to the perceived understanding that his bladder and physical relief are significantly less important than a work call. I know the weight of working in white workplaces, in overwhelmingly white professions, and how deep the wounds it inflicts on your identities and self-worth are. I’m fortunate enough to be healing from my experiences, but I know so many people of culture aren’t as fortunate or have yet to embark on that journey. Some never will. I do not judge them, because no one’s journey in life is a carbon copy of someone else’s, but my heart hurts for them.

He left the bathroom before me, sharing one of those work-related jokes many people of culture have been conditioned to tell so our white “colleagues” deem us “safe” and palatable. I’m not a religious man, but I said a little prayer for homeboy’s safe travels and a safer employment situation. I also hoped he has a safe place at home where he doesn't have to be on like this and can prioritize his bladder over a spreadsheet.

Ain’t no job worth your soul, your identities, your self-worth, or a multitasking situation at a urinal in a Chicago airport restroom.