Monday's Opening Thought: November 9, 2020

This week’s opening thought: Biden and Harris just made history. That should be celebrated. But don’t let your celebrating overshadow one thing:

You know this ain’t over, right?

We’re barely just getting started.

It’s time for this country, these United States, to put in that work. LONG OVERDUE WORK. You don’t get to stand at the bottom of a staircase, step onto the first step, then declare victory like you climbed Everest. And you don’t get to decide to not walk yo’ ass up the rest of dem stairs because you think you’ve done your part and other people can handle the rest. You do realize fascism and white supremacy aren’t suddenly defeated, right? They are alive and thriving. We’re long overdue for holding an administration accountable for leading this country toward being more equitable, inclusive, and anti-racist. This is the time. This is the administration.

So save the champagne bottle poppin’ and the pizza party for when we’ve actually done some real work as a nation and we start seeing real inroads toward progress.

Time to get to work.

Time to start gettin’ yo’ ass up dem stairs.
