This Week's Opening Thought: March 25, 2024

This week’s opening thought, for Black folx: So I wake up this weekend and see the news that some Black folx are defending Candace Owens after the hatemongers she spent so much time cozying up to dropped her ass to the point where now she’s trying to curry favor with Black communities via homophobic, transphobic social media posts and a grift on Go Fund Me. And all this after the hatemongers of pallor dropped her because even THEY thought she was too hateful and anti-Semitic to kick it with anymore.

After all the anti-Black sh— Candace has said and done, some of y'all are out here right now like, “She has some valid points.”


No, she does not.

Candace ain't here for y'all. She’s using you for her grift because the people of pallor she so desperately wants to serve have discarded her, so she’s trying to tap into the stereotypes of the Black communities she has dragged for a decade and playing on the anti-Blackness many of y'all dabble in around homophobia and transphobia.

Candace is still the same bag of crap she has always been. Candace ain’t spitting knowledge. She just decided to tap into the “Ain’t all skinfolk kinfolk” Venn diagram to try and save herself from the obscurity she deserves. And some of y’all are so anti-Black that y’all think she’s spittin’ fire because said fire makes you feel seen.

You really wanna be seen by Candace Owens?

Your anti-Blackness is showing.