Monday's Opening Thought: January 11, 2021

This week’s opening thought: This is not a time for “unity” and “forgiveness.” We’re beyond this being a “time for healing.” Maybe I’m goin’ out on a limb here but I think those boats set sail into the Bermuda Triangle with no option for return right around the time a large mostly white smattering of domestic terrorists tried to overthrow the United States government last week. I don’t want to “forgive” y’all, white America. I don’t wanna “unite” and act like nothing happened after a couple of months of “healing.”

I want y’all to finally, FINALLY, face the repercussions for your actions, as individuals and as a collective.

I want white America to pay the price for overwhelmingly electing a hateful egotistical white conman as this country’s President in 2015. I want white America to pay for overwhelmingly trying to re-elect that conman to a second term. I want white America to watch as those who were driven by their generational trauma and belief in their white superiority to try to overthrow the government go to jail for a long time and have their lives dismantled by their actions.

For once in this country’s history I want white America to actually be held accountable for the pain they’ve caused and the lives they’ve threatened and taken, not just last week but in general.

How about y’all start individually and collectively being active participants in upholding and practicing accountability for awhile white people? How about y’all start addressing your faux patriotism and upholding of white supremacy? How about y’all start doing some of all of that before asking for forgiveness again for the continuous cycle of pain y’all put this country and its Black, Brown, Indigenous, and non-white citizenry through.

You can’t heal a bone you keep breaking, white people. And you shouldn’t be forgiven for breaking it again and again and not resetting it to allow it to heal - not this time.
