Monday's Opening Thought: February 14, 2022

Image description: a pepperoni pizza in the shape of a craft heart can be seen resting on a wooden cutting board. A bouquet of pink and white roses are laying to the left of the pizza.

This week’s opening thought: some of y’all treat being present and accountable for your perpetuation of and connections to racism and white supremacy the same way y’all treat your partners and spouses on Valentine’s Day. You don’t think about it until you’re confronted with the prospect of being held accountable for not doing anything. You then frantically scramble to maintain feeling like a “good person”, stopping at the gas station or Walgreens on your way home in some last-ditch effort full of limp roses and gimmick teddy bears. And when your big phoned-in gesture isn’t received in the way you wanted it to be, you lash out for not being seen as a “good” person who was “doing something to show that you care.”

Hope you enjoy sleeping yo’ ass on the couch ‘cause that’s gonna be your bed for some time to come.

Happy “Captain Cook’s white colonizer ass got what he deserved” Day. Save a slice of that heart-shaped pizza for y’boy.