Monday's Opening Thought: April 26, 2021

This week’s opening thought: You have to be willing to embody being actively anti-racist in order to be actively anti-racist. What do I mean by embody?

You have to get to a place where you see mental and emotional comfort in the uncomfortable connections you have to white supremacy so that you can engage in their dismantling.

You have to see and acknowledge the white supremacist ideology that you consciously and unconsciously uphold in yourself while trying to call others in or out.

If you are white or a person of color with privilege you have to be willing and able to de-center whiteness and white supremacist rhetoric and beliefs in not only your community and workplace but within your friends, family members, and yourself.

Embodying being actively anti-racist means you can’t just say you’re anti-racist because it’s the ‘in’ thing to do. You have to own your lifelong work. All of it. Even the ugly parts. Especially the ugly parts.
