Monday's Opening Thought: April 12, 2021

This week’s opening thought: I don’t think I’ve ever had a manager or supervisor in my entire working career - not just my HR career but my entire work history - that hasn’t at some point told me that they feel “threatened” by me or that I am “trouble.”

I usually begin hearing these comments and statements as I begin voicing my opinion, pushing for operational and organizational changes, pointing out white supremacy and oppression, and letting it be known that I will not be a scapegoat or accomplice in the harming of others.

So...basically around the two-month mark.

I kid...?

I know that being who I am, bringing as much of my whole self to my work as possible, is a dangerous proposition every day I go to work. As an outspoken Black person, I know that I have no job security in this world. I know that by not going with the status quo of white supremacist workplace culture that I am always a few steps away from being unemployed. I know that I have to go out of my way to avoid situations and interactions that will place me in the villain role with white employees. I know that I need to have almost everything in writing and take notes in most situations to try to protect myself.

This is my existence in the workplace. This is how I survive Monday through Friday, from 8:00a to 5:00p. And I know I’m not alone. I see Black women and femmes grappling with everything I described multiplied by 100. I see Brown folx, Indigenous folx, and people of color having similar struggles. And I can’t help but wonder:

How many white folx spend 40+ hours of their week hoping they did enough of the aforementioned to still have a job on Monday while being true to themselves and not feeling judged or vilified while doing so?

I know the answer. Doesn’t stop me from wondering though.
