This Week's Opening Thought: February 11, 2025

This week's opening thought: We’re not even two months into the year of someone’s lord 2025, and I am already tired of dealing with and witnessing pallor-based mediocrity. Just exhausted. I need me two naps right now, y’all, back to back. And I’d still need two more.

I was already tired of watching mediocre men of pallor try to destroy us all, including the men of pallor they deem more mediocre than themselves, only for pallor apologists to come crawling out of the woodwork to defend them. But these past few weeks have got me bone tired.

I was already tired of pallor-based mediocrity being the vocal “law of the land,” leading to hate and harm for millions of people because mediocre people of pallor are scared of their own mortality and the realization that the world is ready to evolve past them and the systems they built. But right now, I’m deep in my body tired.

And I’m absolutely exhausted with witnessing the sheer audacity and caucasity of this new push from mediocre men of pallor and their apologists to cry wolf and scream autism whenever they’re held accountable for their hateful words and actions, diminishing and belittling the complexities of those on the spectrum to try and mask how horribly mediocre, weak, and feebly dangerous to everyone they are.

The United States was built on the fragility of pallor and pallor politics designed to try and divide, oppress, and neuter every single person on its stolen land through mediocrity. And I’ll be damned if that mediocrity so many of y’all yearned for to “make America great again” ain’t draining me right now.

I know I’m not the only one.

Then y’all have the audacity and caucasity to get mad at Black people, Black women, and question why we’re deciding to sit this one out.

We tired, foo. Of you and all of this.

Save yourselves. We restin’ up for the next battle to save OURSELVES.