On People of Pallor, Law Students, and White Supremacist Ideologies

I recently saw a video where a young, inebriated woman of pallor was pulled over for a suspected DUI. She failed every field sobriety test with flying colors. When the officer informed her that she was under arrest, the young woman, who shared she was a law student, told the officer she could not be arrested unless she consented to, and was willing to be, arrested.

This sentence was one of the whitest things my ears have heard in the entire year of someone’s Lord 2023.

The things that white supremacist ideologies implant in the bodies, brains, and belief systems of the un-melanated masses never fail to shock me.

Does she think that if people of culture, Black, Brown, and Indigenous people, consent to the harm that policing systems have levied against us for centuries? Does she think the melanated are willing participants in centuries of traumatic events administered by policing? Did she believe the officer, a white male, was going to agree with her and let her go because she thought she was more learned than him on the law and could outsmart them? Did this un-melanated woman believe she was above the law, even though she posed a threat to other civilians by being above the acceptable breathalyzer test levels?

Or is it all the above?

And how many people of pallor have similar beliefs and values?

And how many of them are lawyers?

The things that make you go “Hmm.”

I hope she never gets to practice law.