This Week's Opening Thought: May 29, 2023
TW: Hate speech, anti-Blackness.
This week's opening thought: I regularly receive hateful direct messages and mail. Long ago, I accepted this as part of the nastiness that comes with openly and publicly speaking about and educating people about white supremacy, anti-Blackness, racism, and hate. Honestly? Most hateful messages and emails I receive go straight into the trash can. They don't deserve my time and energy and are not worth sharing with the masses. They aren't learning tools, and some of the things people say to me are so vile that no one should have to read them. But now and then, I get a message that proves to me that if there's one thing that racism, anti-Blackness, and hate are, it's formulaic and uninspired.
I got the email below last Sunday. I read it. And I shook my head, not in anger or sadness but in disbelief that something so weak and generic found its way into my inbox. I mean, look at it.
It reads like someone typed "Racist, anti-Black hate email" into an AI generator!
It's just so weak, y'all.
What is this supposed to be? Scary? Intimidating? Is it supposed to shake my interest in the work that I do? If so, mission not accomplished.
I mean, come on. "Move back to Africa?" Using the n-word 82 times? And the classic "Black people commit most of the crimes in the United States" fallacy that has been debunked to hell and back? Is this all some of y'all can muster up as hate speech? I mean, sheesh. Did you copy and paste this from the White Supremacy Handbook? Was this supposed to make me feel bad?
Like, I'm not encouraging racists to become better racists. It's not like an anti-Black racist will listen to a Black person about ascending above their mediocrity. Instead, I prefer they stay mediocre behind their keyboards and not with assault rifles in their hands, storming our neighborhoods and communities with their generational hatred. I am saying, though, that this language, rhetoric, and series of tired troupes are not intimidating. You'd be largely off-base if y'all think they're intimidating or harmful. Do I want to receive these messages? No. No one does. But do they destroy my day when I receive them? No. And I know I'm not alone in that feeling. I've had worse things said and done to me in my 40 years on this planet. If anything, as I get older and wiser, I feel for the people who send me these kinds of messages. Why?
Think about how miserable someone has to feel in the body and brain to send messages like this, to execute hateful and deadly actions against Global Majority, queer, and intersectional communities that you think will leave you feeling gratified or justified, only to continue feeling hostile and empty inside. Then imagine that you weren't raised by people who could help you foster the humility, empathy, and humanity one needs to realize that white supremacy harms everyone and pits every community not in a place of power, privilege, and positionality against one another – even poor, queer, white communities.
So no, N--- Hater. I'm not going to "move to Africa." I will hold the grace for you that no one else has because you deserve better than what you've been indoctrinated into believing and being. I hope you find some peace and learning that will allow you not to feel so hateful in your brain, body, and soul. I am choosing to be someone who deeply cares about others, something that hatred will never allow you to be. One day I hope you get there.
I also hope you didn't have soul food, Southern cuisine, or any food item that can be traced to the African diaspora for your Sunday dinner because that shit would be ironic. And, like, legitimately ironic, not Alanis Morrissette ironic.
[Image description: A screenshot of a hateful email sent to me a week ago. The content is as follows:
”Form Submission - New Form
Sun 5/21/2023 4:19 PM
Sent via form submission from The Official Website of Pharoah Bolding
Name: N--- Hater
Pronouns: F--- you r----d n---- ape. Projecting piece of sh--.
Email address:
Best place for me to learn more about you? (Social media, website, online presentations): White people owe you nothing.
What would you like to chat with Pharoah about?: Other
Message: Black n------ responsible for majority of theft, rape, murder. Move to africa.
If you want to connect regarding a possible speaking engagement, training, or event, please provide the event date(s) and time(s). It is OK if the event details are tentative; please give the best-estimated dates.: Eat sh--
What is your budget if you are reaching out regarding a speaking engagement, training, or event?: N----.”]