Monday's Opening Thought: May 24, 2021

This week’s opening thought: It’s 2021 and we’re still having to publicly call companies out for not putting salary ranges in their job postings.

It’s ridiculous that this is still a “debate.”

There are no excuses strong enough to explain away why your company’s job postings should not have the salary range present and easy for applicants to find within the first few lines of your job posting. And you should also be honest about what the actual starting salary will be, so candidates are clear on what kind of room for negotiation they will likely have if any.

On top of all that, your salary range should not be massive. Your range shouldn’t be larger than a $5,000 - $6,000 window, especially if you know good and well you aren’t even willing to start a new hire at the higher end or even the midpoint of your salary range.

What many companies don’t seem to care to understand is that how you handle salary discussions and salary transparency is a window into how you value and treat those that work for you. And not doing all of the aforementioned?

That’s a freshly polished bay window on a clear and sunny day.

It’s that clear to candidates how you feel about them.
