Monday's Opening Thought: March 15, 2021

This week’s opening thought: If you are on a Board of Directors in 2021 and you’re still talking around, and not talking about or engaging in dismantling, the rampant white supremacist ideology that fuels even the concept of having a Board of Directors you are doing nothing but contributing to the ongoing steamroller of white supremacy. And it’s likely not important enough for your Board to want to address because y’all don’t want the discomfort. And guess what?

There is no number of people of color, of Black, Brown, and Indigenous folx, that you can add to your Board of Directors that will make you appear as you care.

And seeing how the overwhelming majority of Boards are only interested in people of color, in Black, Brown, and Indigenous folx, for the optics and not for their “non-palatable” thoughts and ideas I’m sure we all get what the tea is, even if we don’t wanna say it out loud.

The tokenization of BIPOC folx and the allocation of BIPOC energy to being tasked with addressing the hate on your Board that you don’t want to address while perpetuating that hate against people of color on your Board is literally white supremacy, y’all.

At least own it. You own all the credit for things going well. Own this too. It’s your property, not mine.
