Monday's Opening Thought: March 1, 2021

This week’s opening thought: Today is the first day of Womxn’s History Month. Before many of y’all open up your Rolodex of the usual white homogenized suspects for womanhood, or decide you’re gonna be “woke” and make this Social Media Black History Month 2.0, I would like you to pump the brakes for a minute and do a few things for me.

Take the time this month to begin learning why I spelled “Womxn” the way that I did.

Take the time this month to begin learning about or expand your knowledge of intersectionality and critical race theory.

Take the time to do some deep dives into the history of “well-meaning” white womxn upholding white supremacy and cutting womxn of color out of the fight for equity and equality while taking ownership of their hard work.

And take the time to recognize how you’re not celebrating and supporting womxn if you’re not celebrating and supporting every womxn.

And don’t just take the time - make the time. Make sure this endeavor is given the energy and humility it deserves, not just for the next 31 days but in perpetuity.

Now is as good a time as any to begin the lifelong work of celebrating and elevating womxnhood. Make this effort more than just a month of social media posts.
