I'm On This Week's "Find Your Dream Job" Podcast!
So...I'm this week's guest on Mac's List "Find Your Dream Job" podcast! I had a great time talking about what to do when you think you've bombed an interview because, well, it may not always be your fault. Thank you for having me on the podcast, Mac!
You can check out the podcast via the video below or at any of the following links:
Apple Podcasts
When you bomb a job interview, it feels terrible. Don’t get discouraged, it’s possible that it wasn’t entirely your fault. Maybe you expected to speak one-on-one with the hiring manager and you walked into a panel of people asking you questions. Perhaps you were prepared to answer behavioral questions, but instead you received off-the-wall questions you did not anticipate. Find Your Dream Job guest Pharoah Bolding says it’s perfectly fine for you to ask the hiring manager ahead of time what your interview format will be so that you can go into the conversation prepared. Pharoah also shares how to overcome pre-interview anxiety to ensure that you present your best self to the interviewer.