Black Poetry Tuesdays (June 20, 2023 Edition): "I Apologize" by Oscar Brown, Jr.

Let's start a new weekly tradition, y'all. Here's the first installment of Black Poetry Tuesdays, an opportunity to be exposed to poets you've never heard of and works from those whose mainstream works might be more familiar than their B-sides.

Let's start with a lil' satire in the form of "I Apologize" from the late great singer-songwriter Oscar Brown, Jr.

I Apologize

"I apologize for being black

All I am plus all I lack

Please, sir, please, ma'am

Give me some slack

‘Cause I apologize

I apologize for being poor

For being sick and tired and sore

Since I ain’t slick

Don’t know the score

I do apologize

I apologize because I bear

Resemblance most black people share

Thick lips, flat nose, and nappy hair

Yes I apologize

I apologize for how I look

For all of the lows and blows I took

On those, Lord knows, I’d close the book

As I apologize

I apologize for all I gave

For letting you make me yo’ slave

And going to my early grave

Yes I apologize

I apologize for being caught

For being sold, for being bought

For being told I count for naught

Yeah I apologize

I apologize for all I’ve done

For all my toil out in the sun

Don’t want to spoil your righteous fun

So I apologize

I apologize and curse my kind

For being fooled, for being blind

For being ruled and in your bind

Yes I apologize

I apologize and curse my feet

For being slow, for being late

Because I know it’s me you hate

Why not apologize

I apologize and tip my hat

‘Cause you so rich and free and fat

Son of a bitch, that’s where it’s at

And I apologize."

Learn more about Oscar Brown, Jr. here.