This Week's Opening Thought: June 10, 2024

This week's opening thought: It's wild to me how we constantly tell people to do work they love or are passionate about while consciously and unconsciously ignoring the privilege of finding work that feeds your soul and allows you to be human and vulnerable in community with others while making a wage that will enable you to break generational chains of poverty. We never get in the weeds and talk about how little the work of serving others pays and how much weight it puts on the brains and bodies of those doing it. Yet, those of us doing the work are stuck in co-dependence cycles because many of us have been the people who needed help at some point in our lives and feel driven to "pay it forward" now that our circumstances are somewhat different while not earning enough income to retire before our bodies force us to.

And we're doing all of this while swimming upstream in a society driven by white supremacy and forced individualism intended to halt and stymie collective liberation.


It's hard out here, y'all.